How to capture leads from website

How to Capture leads from website A website is one of the most fundamental marketing tool for your business in today’s times. We are living in highly competitive times and it is not easy for a small business to survive. Things have changed and so has means of marketing. A small business cannot afford to […]

My new hindi romantic single

It gives me immense pleasure to announce the release of my new hindi romantic song “Kaisa sama hai” on youtube. This marks my beginning as a singer and music composer. It has been my long cherished dream to make my contribution in music. I have been engaged in my career as website designer for almost […]

Website Design for MeetasKitchen

Website Design and development for Meetaskitchen. Meetaskitchen is an online food delivery website based on e-commerce. You can order food directly from the website. Payments can be made directly to the website with debit cards and credit cards. Cash on delivery option is also available. The client needed a website that would work for them […]

Few more websites in my portfolio

It has been a while since i haven’t updated my portfolio section. I have added a few more websites to my portfolio section. This is an e-commerce website which sells traditional Indian food items. This website was created for Mr. Sunil Kumar and company. The company provides services for marriage registration, court marriage, […]

Avoid these mistakes while making a website

I have been making websites for a good period of time. From my experience i have learned that on should avoid some common mistakes while making a website. Please read on.. Avoid Flash: Although i love flash and being a web designer it is the best tool to show my creativity, i have reduced the […]

How to transfer domain to a new domain service provider

How to transfer your existing domain from current domain host to another domain hosting company. Many a times we may want to transfer our domain from an existing domain service provider to a new one. There may be reasons for this. Your existing domain service provider is not giving good service and you want and […]

Why you need a responsive website?

Time and again the debate of whether to for a responsive web design or not has been discussed by various web design experts.  Many existing websites have upgraded to responsive layouts to enhance user experience. As the number of internet users of mobile devices is increasing, more emphasis is being given to responsive websites. A […]

Computer On Stick

Google is about to launch one of the smallest computers. This computer is a plug and play device on stick with android as operating system.  This is a joint collabration  between the internet giant google and asus. It can convert any monitor or tv with hdmi port into a working PC.  Smaller than a candy […]

List of Domain and Web Hosting Companies

Domain registration is the first step towards website designing. When you think of designing a website you need to book a domain name of your chooses and buy web hosting from a reliable web host to launch your website. Being in this field for several years i have used services of several domain registration service […]

How to configure your domain for google apps?

When it comes to best email solutions, there is nothing like gmail. Among plethora of email service gmail is one of the best. If you want to use the reliability of gmail for sending and receiving emails in a professional way then google apps is for you. Google apps was a free service till few […]