A static website is apt for you if you do not want to make too many changes in the content of your website. A static website does not means that your website will be dull and boring, in fact it can be attractive and visually appealing like any other website. A static website can be enhanced with use of graphics, animation and flash. Such a website can serve the purpose of an online product catalog or portfolio.

There are large number of websites on the internet that are static. It is only in recent years that dynamic websites are being developed. From designing point of view static websites give you more freedom in design creation. You can have all pages of your website designed differently if required. Of course if some changes are required you will need to take help of professional website designer. Such websites are more cost effective than dynamic websites.

A static websites is ideal for you if you have only fixed number of pages to be developed. A static website of eight to ten pages is ideal for small business.